Source code for pluggy._hooks

Internal hook annotation, representation and calling machinery.

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import sys
from types import ModuleType
from typing import AbstractSet
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import Final
from typing import final
from typing import Generator
from typing import List
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Optional
from typing import overload
from typing import Sequence
from typing import Tuple
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import TypedDict
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union
import warnings

from ._result import Result

_T = TypeVar("_T")
_F = TypeVar("_F", bound=Callable[..., object])
_Namespace = Union[ModuleType, type]
_Plugin = object
_HookExec = Callable[
    [str, Sequence["HookImpl"], Mapping[str, object], bool],
    Union[object, List[object]],
_HookImplFunction = Callable[..., Union[_T, Generator[None, Result[_T], None]]]

[docs] class HookspecOpts(TypedDict): """Options for a hook specification.""" #: Whether the hook is :ref:`first result only <firstresult>`. firstresult: bool #: Whether the hook is :ref:`historic <historic>`. historic: bool #: Whether the hook :ref:`warns when implemented <warn_on_impl>`. warn_on_impl: Warning | None #: Whether the hook warns when :ref:`certain arguments are requested #: <warn_on_impl>`. #: #: .. versionadded:: 1.5 warn_on_impl_args: Mapping[str, Warning] | None
[docs] class HookimplOpts(TypedDict): """Options for a hook implementation.""" #: Whether the hook implementation is a :ref:`wrapper <hookwrapper>`. wrapper: bool #: Whether the hook implementation is an :ref:`old-style wrapper #: <old_style_hookwrappers>`. hookwrapper: bool #: Whether validation against a hook specification is :ref:`optional #: <optionalhook>`. optionalhook: bool #: Whether to try to order this hook implementation :ref:`first #: <callorder>`. tryfirst: bool #: Whether to try to order this hook implementation :ref:`last #: <callorder>`. trylast: bool #: The name of the hook specification to match, see :ref:`specname`. specname: str | None
[docs] @final class HookspecMarker: """Decorator for marking functions as hook specifications. Instantiate it with a project_name to get a decorator. Calling :meth:`PluginManager.add_hookspecs` later will discover all marked functions if the :class:`PluginManager` uses the same project name. """ __slots__ = ("project_name",) def __init__(self, project_name: str) -> None: self.project_name: Final = project_name @overload def __call__( self, function: _F, firstresult: bool = False, historic: bool = False, warn_on_impl: Warning | None = None, warn_on_impl_args: Mapping[str, Warning] | None = None, ) -> _F: ... @overload # noqa: F811 def __call__( # noqa: F811 self, function: None = ..., firstresult: bool = ..., historic: bool = ..., warn_on_impl: Warning | None = ..., warn_on_impl_args: Mapping[str, Warning] | None = ..., ) -> Callable[[_F], _F]: ... def __call__( # noqa: F811 self, function: _F | None = None, firstresult: bool = False, historic: bool = False, warn_on_impl: Warning | None = None, warn_on_impl_args: Mapping[str, Warning] | None = None, ) -> _F | Callable[[_F], _F]: """If passed a function, directly sets attributes on the function which will make it discoverable to :meth:`PluginManager.add_hookspecs`. If passed no function, returns a decorator which can be applied to a function later using the attributes supplied. :param firstresult: If ``True``, the 1:N hook call (N being the number of registered hook implementation functions) will stop at I<=N when the I'th function returns a non-``None`` result. See :ref:`firstresult`. :param historic: If ``True``, every call to the hook will be memorized and replayed on plugins registered after the call was made. See :ref:`historic`. :param warn_on_impl: If given, every implementation of this hook will trigger the given warning. See :ref:`warn_on_impl`. :param warn_on_impl_args: If given, every implementation of this hook which requests one of the arguments in the dict will trigger the corresponding warning. See :ref:`warn_on_impl`. .. versionadded:: 1.5 """ def setattr_hookspec_opts(func: _F) -> _F: if historic and firstresult: raise ValueError("cannot have a historic firstresult hook") opts: HookspecOpts = { "firstresult": firstresult, "historic": historic, "warn_on_impl": warn_on_impl, "warn_on_impl_args": warn_on_impl_args, } setattr(func, self.project_name + "_spec", opts) return func if function is not None: return setattr_hookspec_opts(function) else: return setattr_hookspec_opts
[docs] @final class HookimplMarker: """Decorator for marking functions as hook implementations. Instantiate it with a ``project_name`` to get a decorator. Calling :meth:`PluginManager.register` later will discover all marked functions if the :class:`PluginManager` uses the same project name. """ __slots__ = ("project_name",) def __init__(self, project_name: str) -> None: self.project_name: Final = project_name @overload def __call__( self, function: _F, hookwrapper: bool = ..., optionalhook: bool = ..., tryfirst: bool = ..., trylast: bool = ..., specname: str | None = ..., wrapper: bool = ..., ) -> _F: ... @overload # noqa: F811 def __call__( # noqa: F811 self, function: None = ..., hookwrapper: bool = ..., optionalhook: bool = ..., tryfirst: bool = ..., trylast: bool = ..., specname: str | None = ..., wrapper: bool = ..., ) -> Callable[[_F], _F]: ... def __call__( # noqa: F811 self, function: _F | None = None, hookwrapper: bool = False, optionalhook: bool = False, tryfirst: bool = False, trylast: bool = False, specname: str | None = None, wrapper: bool = False, ) -> _F | Callable[[_F], _F]: """If passed a function, directly sets attributes on the function which will make it discoverable to :meth:`PluginManager.register`. If passed no function, returns a decorator which can be applied to a function later using the attributes supplied. :param optionalhook: If ``True``, a missing matching hook specification will not result in an error (by default it is an error if no matching spec is found). See :ref:`optionalhook`. :param tryfirst: If ``True``, this hook implementation will run as early as possible in the chain of N hook implementations for a specification. See :ref:`callorder`. :param trylast: If ``True``, this hook implementation will run as late as possible in the chain of N hook implementations for a specification. See :ref:`callorder`. :param wrapper: If ``True`` ("new-style hook wrapper"), the hook implementation needs to execute exactly one ``yield``. The code before the ``yield`` is run early before any non-hook-wrapper function is run. The code after the ``yield`` is run after all non-hook-wrapper functions have run. The ``yield`` receives the result value of the inner calls, or raises the exception of inner calls (including earlier hook wrapper calls). The return value of the function becomes the return value of the hook, and a raised exception becomes the exception of the hook. See :ref:`hookwrapper`. :param hookwrapper: If ``True`` ("old-style hook wrapper"), the hook implementation needs to execute exactly one ``yield``. The code before the ``yield`` is run early before any non-hook-wrapper function is run. The code after the ``yield`` is run after all non-hook-wrapper function have run The ``yield`` receives a :class:`Result` object representing the exception or result outcome of the inner calls (including earlier hook wrapper calls). This option is mutually exclusive with ``wrapper``. See :ref:`old_style_hookwrapper`. :param specname: If provided, the given name will be used instead of the function name when matching this hook implementation to a hook specification during registration. See :ref:`specname`. .. versionadded:: 1.2.0 The ``wrapper`` parameter. """ def setattr_hookimpl_opts(func: _F) -> _F: opts: HookimplOpts = { "wrapper": wrapper, "hookwrapper": hookwrapper, "optionalhook": optionalhook, "tryfirst": tryfirst, "trylast": trylast, "specname": specname, } setattr(func, self.project_name + "_impl", opts) return func if function is None: return setattr_hookimpl_opts else: return setattr_hookimpl_opts(function)
def normalize_hookimpl_opts(opts: HookimplOpts) -> None: opts.setdefault("tryfirst", False) opts.setdefault("trylast", False) opts.setdefault("wrapper", False) opts.setdefault("hookwrapper", False) opts.setdefault("optionalhook", False) opts.setdefault("specname", None) _PYPY = hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info") def varnames(func: object) -> tuple[tuple[str, ...], tuple[str, ...]]: """Return tuple of positional and keywrord argument names for a function, method, class or callable. In case of a class, its ``__init__`` method is considered. For methods the ``self`` parameter is not included. """ if inspect.isclass(func): try: func = func.__init__ except AttributeError: return (), () elif not inspect.isroutine(func): # callable object? try: func = getattr(func, "__call__", func) except Exception: return (), () try: # func MUST be a function or method here or we won't parse any args. sig = inspect.signature( func.__func__ if inspect.ismethod(func) else func # type:ignore[arg-type] ) except TypeError: return (), () _valid_param_kinds = ( inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY, inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD, ) _valid_params = { name: param for name, param in sig.parameters.items() if param.kind in _valid_param_kinds } args = tuple(_valid_params) defaults = ( tuple( param.default for param in _valid_params.values() if param.default is not param.empty ) or None ) if defaults: index = -len(defaults) args, kwargs = args[:index], tuple(args[index:]) else: kwargs = () # strip any implicit instance arg # pypy3 uses "obj" instead of "self" for default dunder methods if not _PYPY: implicit_names: tuple[str, ...] = ("self",) else: implicit_names = ("self", "obj") if args: qualname: str = getattr(func, "__qualname__", "") if inspect.ismethod(func) or ("." in qualname and args[0] in implicit_names): args = args[1:] return args, kwargs
[docs] @final class HookRelay: """Hook holder object for performing 1:N hook calls where N is the number of registered plugins.""" __slots__ = ("__dict__",) def __init__(self) -> None: """:meta private:""" if TYPE_CHECKING: def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> HookCaller: ...
# Historical name (pluggy<=1.2), kept for backward compatibility. _HookRelay = HookRelay _CallHistory = List[Tuple[Mapping[str, object], Optional[Callable[[Any], None]]]]
[docs] class HookCaller: """A caller of all registered implementations of a hook specification.""" __slots__ = ( "name", "spec", "_hookexec", "_hookimpls", "_call_history", ) def __init__( self, name: str, hook_execute: _HookExec, specmodule_or_class: _Namespace | None = None, spec_opts: HookspecOpts | None = None, ) -> None: """:meta private:""" #: Name of the hook getting called. Final = name self._hookexec: Final = hook_execute # The hookimpls list. The caller iterates it *in reverse*. Format: # 1. trylast nonwrappers # 2. nonwrappers # 3. tryfirst nonwrappers # 4. trylast wrappers # 5. wrappers # 6. tryfirst wrappers self._hookimpls: Final[list[HookImpl]] = [] self._call_history: _CallHistory | None = None # TODO: Document, or make private. self.spec: HookSpec | None = None if specmodule_or_class is not None: assert spec_opts is not None self.set_specification(specmodule_or_class, spec_opts) # TODO: Document, or make private. def has_spec(self) -> bool: return self.spec is not None # TODO: Document, or make private. def set_specification( self, specmodule_or_class: _Namespace, spec_opts: HookspecOpts, ) -> None: if self.spec is not None: raise ValueError( f"Hook {!r} is already registered " f"within namespace {self.spec.namespace}" ) self.spec = HookSpec(specmodule_or_class,, spec_opts) if spec_opts.get("historic"): self._call_history = []
[docs] def is_historic(self) -> bool: """Whether this caller is :ref:`historic <historic>`.""" return self._call_history is not None
def _remove_plugin(self, plugin: _Plugin) -> None: for i, method in enumerate(self._hookimpls): if method.plugin == plugin: del self._hookimpls[i] return raise ValueError(f"plugin {plugin!r} not found")
[docs] def get_hookimpls(self) -> list[HookImpl]: """Get all registered hook implementations for this hook.""" return self._hookimpls.copy()
def _add_hookimpl(self, hookimpl: HookImpl) -> None: """Add an implementation to the callback chain.""" for i, method in enumerate(self._hookimpls): if method.hookwrapper or method.wrapper: splitpoint = i break else: splitpoint = len(self._hookimpls) if hookimpl.hookwrapper or hookimpl.wrapper: start, end = splitpoint, len(self._hookimpls) else: start, end = 0, splitpoint if hookimpl.trylast: self._hookimpls.insert(start, hookimpl) elif hookimpl.tryfirst: self._hookimpls.insert(end, hookimpl) else: # find last non-tryfirst method i = end - 1 while i >= start and self._hookimpls[i].tryfirst: i -= 1 self._hookimpls.insert(i + 1, hookimpl) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<HookCaller {!r}>" def _verify_all_args_are_provided(self, kwargs: Mapping[str, object]) -> None: # This is written to avoid expensive operations when not needed. if self.spec: for argname in self.spec.argnames: if argname not in kwargs: notincall = ", ".join( repr(argname) for argname in self.spec.argnames # Avoid self.spec.argnames - kwargs.keys() - doesn't preserve order. if argname not in kwargs.keys() ) warnings.warn( "Argument(s) {} which are declared in the hookspec " "cannot be found in this hook call".format(notincall), stacklevel=2, ) break
[docs] def __call__(self, **kwargs: object) -> Any: """Call the hook. Only accepts keyword arguments, which should match the hook specification. Returns the result(s) of calling all registered plugins, see :ref:`calling`. """ assert ( not self.is_historic() ), "Cannot directly call a historic hook - use call_historic instead." self._verify_all_args_are_provided(kwargs) firstresult = self.spec.opts.get("firstresult", False) if self.spec else False # Copy because plugins may register other plugins during iteration (#438). return self._hookexec(, self._hookimpls.copy(), kwargs, firstresult)
[docs] def call_historic( self, result_callback: Callable[[Any], None] | None = None, kwargs: Mapping[str, object] | None = None, ) -> None: """Call the hook with given ``kwargs`` for all registered plugins and for all plugins which will be registered afterwards, see :ref:`historic`. :param result_callback: If provided, will be called for each non-``None`` result obtained from a hook implementation. """ assert self._call_history is not None kwargs = kwargs or {} self._verify_all_args_are_provided(kwargs) self._call_history.append((kwargs, result_callback)) # Historizing hooks don't return results. # Remember firstresult isn't compatible with historic. # Copy because plugins may register other plugins during iteration (#438). res = self._hookexec(, self._hookimpls.copy(), kwargs, False) if result_callback is None: return if isinstance(res, list): for x in res: result_callback(x)
[docs] def call_extra( self, methods: Sequence[Callable[..., object]], kwargs: Mapping[str, object] ) -> Any: """Call the hook with some additional temporarily participating methods using the specified ``kwargs`` as call parameters, see :ref:`call_extra`.""" assert ( not self.is_historic() ), "Cannot directly call a historic hook - use call_historic instead." self._verify_all_args_are_provided(kwargs) opts: HookimplOpts = { "wrapper": False, "hookwrapper": False, "optionalhook": False, "trylast": False, "tryfirst": False, "specname": None, } hookimpls = self._hookimpls.copy() for method in methods: hookimpl = HookImpl(None, "<temp>", method, opts) # Find last non-tryfirst nonwrapper method. i = len(hookimpls) - 1 while i >= 0 and ( # Skip wrappers. (hookimpls[i].hookwrapper or hookimpls[i].wrapper) # Skip tryfirst nonwrappers. or hookimpls[i].tryfirst ): i -= 1 hookimpls.insert(i + 1, hookimpl) firstresult = self.spec.opts.get("firstresult", False) if self.spec else False return self._hookexec(, hookimpls, kwargs, firstresult)
def _maybe_apply_history(self, method: HookImpl) -> None: """Apply call history to a new hookimpl if it is marked as historic.""" if self.is_historic(): assert self._call_history is not None for kwargs, result_callback in self._call_history: res = self._hookexec(, [method], kwargs, False) if res and result_callback is not None: # XXX: remember firstresult isn't compat with historic assert isinstance(res, list) result_callback(res[0])
# Historical name (pluggy<=1.2), kept for backward compatibility. _HookCaller = HookCaller class _SubsetHookCaller(HookCaller): """A proxy to another HookCaller which manages calls to all registered plugins except the ones from remove_plugins.""" # This class is unusual: in inhertits from `HookCaller` so all of # the *code* runs in the class, but it delegates all underlying *data* # to the original HookCaller. # `subset_hook_caller` used to be implemented by creating a full-fledged # HookCaller, copying all hookimpls from the original. This had problems # with memory leaks (#346) and historic calls (#347), which make a proxy # approach better. # An alternative implementation is to use a `_getattr__`/`__getattribute__` # proxy, however that adds more overhead and is more tricky to implement. __slots__ = ( "_orig", "_remove_plugins", ) def __init__(self, orig: HookCaller, remove_plugins: AbstractSet[_Plugin]) -> None: self._orig = orig self._remove_plugins = remove_plugins = # type: ignore[misc] self._hookexec = orig._hookexec # type: ignore[misc] @property # type: ignore[misc] def _hookimpls(self) -> list[HookImpl]: return [ impl for impl in self._orig._hookimpls if impl.plugin not in self._remove_plugins ] @property def spec(self) -> HookSpec | None: # type: ignore[override] return self._orig.spec @property def _call_history(self) -> _CallHistory | None: # type: ignore[override] return self._orig._call_history def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<_SubsetHookCaller {!r}>"
[docs] @final class HookImpl: """A hook implementation in a :class:`HookCaller`.""" __slots__ = ( "function", "argnames", "kwargnames", "plugin", "opts", "plugin_name", "wrapper", "hookwrapper", "optionalhook", "tryfirst", "trylast", ) def __init__( self, plugin: _Plugin, plugin_name: str, function: _HookImplFunction[object], hook_impl_opts: HookimplOpts, ) -> None: """:meta private:""" #: The hook implementation function. self.function: Final = function argnames, kwargnames = varnames(self.function) #: The positional parameter names of ``function```. self.argnames: Final = argnames #: The keyword parameter names of ``function```. self.kwargnames: Final = kwargnames #: The plugin which defined this hook implementation. self.plugin: Final = plugin #: The :class:`HookimplOpts` used to configure this hook implementation. self.opts: Final = hook_impl_opts #: The name of the plugin which defined this hook implementation. self.plugin_name: Final = plugin_name #: Whether the hook implementation is a :ref:`wrapper <hookwrapper>`. self.wrapper: Final = hook_impl_opts["wrapper"] #: Whether the hook implementation is an :ref:`old-style wrapper #: <old_style_hookwrappers>`. self.hookwrapper: Final = hook_impl_opts["hookwrapper"] #: Whether validation against a hook specification is :ref:`optional #: <optionalhook>`. self.optionalhook: Final = hook_impl_opts["optionalhook"] #: Whether to try to order this hook implementation :ref:`first #: <callorder>`. self.tryfirst: Final = hook_impl_opts["tryfirst"] #: Whether to try to order this hook implementation :ref:`last #: <callorder>`. self.trylast: Final = hook_impl_opts["trylast"] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<HookImpl plugin_name={self.plugin_name!r}, plugin={self.plugin!r}>"
@final class HookSpec: __slots__ = ( "namespace", "function", "name", "argnames", "kwargnames", "opts", "warn_on_impl", "warn_on_impl_args", ) def __init__(self, namespace: _Namespace, name: str, opts: HookspecOpts) -> None: self.namespace = namespace self.function: Callable[..., object] = getattr(namespace, name) = name self.argnames, self.kwargnames = varnames(self.function) self.opts = opts self.warn_on_impl = opts.get("warn_on_impl") self.warn_on_impl_args = opts.get("warn_on_impl_args")