Source code for pluggy._manager

from __future__ import annotations

import inspect
import types
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
from typing import cast
from typing import Final
from typing import Iterable
from typing import Mapping
from typing import Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import warnings

from . import _tracing
from ._callers import _multicall
from ._hooks import _HookImplFunction
from ._hooks import _Namespace
from ._hooks import _Plugin
from ._hooks import _SubsetHookCaller
from ._hooks import HookCaller
from ._hooks import HookImpl
from ._hooks import HookimplOpts
from ._hooks import HookRelay
from ._hooks import HookspecOpts
from ._hooks import normalize_hookimpl_opts
from ._result import Result

    # importtlib.metadata import is slow, defer it.
    import importlib.metadata

_BeforeTrace = Callable[[str, Sequence[HookImpl], Mapping[str, Any]], None]
_AfterTrace = Callable[[Result[Any], str, Sequence[HookImpl], Mapping[str, Any]], None]

def _warn_for_function(warning: Warning, function: Callable[..., object]) -> None:
    func = cast(types.FunctionType, function)

[docs] class PluginValidationError(Exception): """Plugin failed validation. :param plugin: The plugin which failed validation. :param message: Error message. """ def __init__(self, plugin: _Plugin, message: str) -> None: super().__init__(message) #: The plugin which failed validation. self.plugin = plugin
class DistFacade: """Emulate a pkg_resources Distribution""" def __init__(self, dist: importlib.metadata.Distribution) -> None: self._dist = dist @property def project_name(self) -> str: name: str = self.metadata["name"] return name def __getattr__(self, attr: str, default=None): return getattr(self._dist, attr, default) def __dir__(self) -> list[str]: return sorted(dir(self._dist) + ["_dist", "project_name"])
[docs] class PluginManager: """Core class which manages registration of plugin objects and 1:N hook calling. You can register new hooks by calling :meth:`add_hookspecs(module_or_class) <PluginManager.add_hookspecs>`. You can register plugin objects (which contain hook implementations) by calling :meth:`register(plugin) <PluginManager.register>`. For debugging purposes you can call :meth:`PluginManager.enable_tracing` which will subsequently send debug information to the trace helper. :param project_name: The short project name. Prefer snake case. Make sure it's unique! """ def __init__(self, project_name: str) -> None: #: The project name. self.project_name: Final = project_name self._name2plugin: Final[dict[str, _Plugin]] = {} self._plugin_distinfo: Final[list[tuple[_Plugin, DistFacade]]] = [] #: The "hook relay", used to call a hook on all registered plugins. #: See :ref:`calling`. self.hook: Final = HookRelay() #: The tracing entry point. See :ref:`tracing`. self.trace: Final[_tracing.TagTracerSub] = _tracing.TagTracer().get( "pluginmanage" ) self._inner_hookexec = _multicall def _hookexec( self, hook_name: str, methods: Sequence[HookImpl], kwargs: Mapping[str, object], firstresult: bool, ) -> object | list[object]: # called from all hookcaller instances. # enable_tracing will set its own wrapping function at self._inner_hookexec return self._inner_hookexec(hook_name, methods, kwargs, firstresult)
[docs] def register(self, plugin: _Plugin, name: str | None = None) -> str | None: """Register a plugin and return its name. :param name: The name under which to register the plugin. If not specified, a name is generated using :func:`get_canonical_name`. :returns: The plugin name. If the name is blocked from registering, returns ``None``. If the plugin is already registered, raises a :exc:`ValueError`. """ plugin_name = name or self.get_canonical_name(plugin) if plugin_name in self._name2plugin: if self._name2plugin.get(plugin_name, -1) is None: return None # blocked plugin, return None to indicate no registration raise ValueError( "Plugin name already registered: %s=%s\n%s" % (plugin_name, plugin, self._name2plugin) ) if plugin in self._name2plugin.values(): raise ValueError( "Plugin already registered under a different name: %s=%s\n%s" % (plugin_name, plugin, self._name2plugin) ) # XXX if an error happens we should make sure no state has been # changed at point of return self._name2plugin[plugin_name] = plugin # register matching hook implementations of the plugin for name in dir(plugin): hookimpl_opts = self.parse_hookimpl_opts(plugin, name) if hookimpl_opts is not None: normalize_hookimpl_opts(hookimpl_opts) method: _HookImplFunction[object] = getattr(plugin, name) hookimpl = HookImpl(plugin, plugin_name, method, hookimpl_opts) name = hookimpl_opts.get("specname") or name hook: HookCaller | None = getattr(self.hook, name, None) if hook is None: hook = HookCaller(name, self._hookexec) setattr(self.hook, name, hook) elif hook.has_spec(): self._verify_hook(hook, hookimpl) hook._maybe_apply_history(hookimpl) hook._add_hookimpl(hookimpl) return plugin_name
[docs] def parse_hookimpl_opts(self, plugin: _Plugin, name: str) -> HookimplOpts | None: """Try to obtain a hook implementation from an item with the given name in the given plugin which is being searched for hook impls. :returns: The parsed hookimpl options, or None to skip the given item. This method can be overridden by ``PluginManager`` subclasses to customize how hook implementation are picked up. By default, returns the options for items decorated with :class:`HookimplMarker`. """ method: object = getattr(plugin, name) if not inspect.isroutine(method): return None try: res: HookimplOpts | None = getattr( method, self.project_name + "_impl", None ) except Exception: res = {} # type: ignore[assignment] if res is not None and not isinstance(res, dict): # false positive res = None # type:ignore[unreachable] return res
[docs] def unregister( self, plugin: _Plugin | None = None, name: str | None = None ) -> Any | None: """Unregister a plugin and all of its hook implementations. The plugin can be specified either by the plugin object or the plugin name. If both are specified, they must agree. Returns the unregistered plugin, or ``None`` if not found. """ if name is None: assert plugin is not None, "one of name or plugin needs to be specified" name = self.get_name(plugin) assert name is not None, "plugin is not registered" if plugin is None: plugin = self.get_plugin(name) if plugin is None: return None hookcallers = self.get_hookcallers(plugin) if hookcallers: for hookcaller in hookcallers: hookcaller._remove_plugin(plugin) # if self._name2plugin[name] == None registration was blocked: ignore if self._name2plugin.get(name): assert name is not None del self._name2plugin[name] return plugin
[docs] def set_blocked(self, name: str) -> None: """Block registrations of the given name, unregister if already registered.""" self.unregister(name=name) self._name2plugin[name] = None
[docs] def is_blocked(self, name: str) -> bool: """Return whether the given plugin name is blocked.""" return name in self._name2plugin and self._name2plugin[name] is None
[docs] def unblock(self, name: str) -> bool: """Unblocks a name. Returns whether the name was actually blocked. """ if self._name2plugin.get(name, -1) is None: del self._name2plugin[name] return True return False
[docs] def add_hookspecs(self, module_or_class: _Namespace) -> None: """Add new hook specifications defined in the given ``module_or_class``. Functions are recognized as hook specifications if they have been decorated with a matching :class:`HookspecMarker`. """ names = [] for name in dir(module_or_class): spec_opts = self.parse_hookspec_opts(module_or_class, name) if spec_opts is not None: hc: HookCaller | None = getattr(self.hook, name, None) if hc is None: hc = HookCaller(name, self._hookexec, module_or_class, spec_opts) setattr(self.hook, name, hc) else: # Plugins registered this hook without knowing the spec. hc.set_specification(module_or_class, spec_opts) for hookfunction in hc.get_hookimpls(): self._verify_hook(hc, hookfunction) names.append(name) if not names: raise ValueError( f"did not find any {self.project_name!r} hooks in {module_or_class!r}" )
[docs] def parse_hookspec_opts( self, module_or_class: _Namespace, name: str ) -> HookspecOpts | None: """Try to obtain a hook specification from an item with the given name in the given module or class which is being searched for hook specs. :returns: The parsed hookspec options for defining a hook, or None to skip the given item. This method can be overridden by ``PluginManager`` subclasses to customize how hook specifications are picked up. By default, returns the options for items decorated with :class:`HookspecMarker`. """ method = getattr(module_or_class, name) opts: HookspecOpts | None = getattr(method, self.project_name + "_spec", None) return opts
[docs] def get_plugins(self) -> set[Any]: """Return a set of all registered plugin objects.""" return {x for x in self._name2plugin.values() if x is not None}
[docs] def is_registered(self, plugin: _Plugin) -> bool: """Return whether the plugin is already registered.""" return any(plugin == val for val in self._name2plugin.values())
[docs] def get_canonical_name(self, plugin: _Plugin) -> str: """Return a canonical name for a plugin object. Note that a plugin may be registered under a different name specified by the caller of :meth:`register(plugin, name) <register>`. To obtain the name of a registered plugin use :meth:`get_name(plugin) <get_name>` instead. """ name: str | None = getattr(plugin, "__name__", None) return name or str(id(plugin))
[docs] def get_plugin(self, name: str) -> Any | None: """Return the plugin registered under the given name, if any.""" return self._name2plugin.get(name)
[docs] def has_plugin(self, name: str) -> bool: """Return whether a plugin with the given name is registered.""" return self.get_plugin(name) is not None
[docs] def get_name(self, plugin: _Plugin) -> str | None: """Return the name the plugin is registered under, or ``None`` if is isn't.""" for name, val in self._name2plugin.items(): if plugin == val: return name return None
def _verify_hook(self, hook: HookCaller, hookimpl: HookImpl) -> None: if hook.is_historic() and (hookimpl.hookwrapper or hookimpl.wrapper): raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl.plugin, "Plugin %r\nhook %r\nhistoric incompatible with yield/wrapper/hookwrapper" % (hookimpl.plugin_name,, ) assert hook.spec is not None if hook.spec.warn_on_impl: _warn_for_function(hook.spec.warn_on_impl, hookimpl.function) # positional arg checking notinspec = set(hookimpl.argnames) - set(hook.spec.argnames) if notinspec: raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl.plugin, "Plugin %r for hook %r\nhookimpl definition: %s\n" "Argument(s) %s are declared in the hookimpl but " "can not be found in the hookspec" % ( hookimpl.plugin_name,, _formatdef(hookimpl.function), notinspec, ), ) if hook.spec.warn_on_impl_args: for hookimpl_argname in hookimpl.argnames: argname_warning = hook.spec.warn_on_impl_args.get(hookimpl_argname) if argname_warning is not None: _warn_for_function(argname_warning, hookimpl.function) if ( hookimpl.wrapper or hookimpl.hookwrapper ) and not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(hookimpl.function): raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl.plugin, "Plugin %r for hook %r\nhookimpl definition: %s\n" "Declared as wrapper=True or hookwrapper=True " "but function is not a generator function" % (hookimpl.plugin_name,, _formatdef(hookimpl.function)), ) if hookimpl.wrapper and hookimpl.hookwrapper: raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl.plugin, "Plugin %r for hook %r\nhookimpl definition: %s\n" "The wrapper=True and hookwrapper=True options are mutually exclusive" % (hookimpl.plugin_name,, _formatdef(hookimpl.function)), )
[docs] def check_pending(self) -> None: """Verify that all hooks which have not been verified against a hook specification are optional, otherwise raise :exc:`PluginValidationError`.""" for name in self.hook.__dict__: if name[0] != "_": hook: HookCaller = getattr(self.hook, name) if not hook.has_spec(): for hookimpl in hook.get_hookimpls(): if not hookimpl.optionalhook: raise PluginValidationError( hookimpl.plugin, "unknown hook %r in plugin %r" % (name, hookimpl.plugin), )
[docs] def load_setuptools_entrypoints(self, group: str, name: str | None = None) -> int: """Load modules from querying the specified setuptools ``group``. :param group: Entry point group to load plugins. :param name: If given, loads only plugins with the given ``name``. :return: The number of plugins loaded by this call. """ import importlib.metadata count = 0 for dist in list(importlib.metadata.distributions()): for ep in dist.entry_points: if ( != group or (name is not None and != name) # already registered or self.get_plugin( or self.is_blocked( ): continue plugin = ep.load() self.register(plugin, self._plugin_distinfo.append((plugin, DistFacade(dist))) count += 1 return count
[docs] def list_plugin_distinfo(self) -> list[tuple[_Plugin, DistFacade]]: """Return a list of (plugin, distinfo) pairs for all setuptools-registered plugins.""" return list(self._plugin_distinfo)
[docs] def list_name_plugin(self) -> list[tuple[str, _Plugin]]: """Return a list of (name, plugin) pairs for all registered plugins.""" return list(self._name2plugin.items())
[docs] def get_hookcallers(self, plugin: _Plugin) -> list[HookCaller] | None: """Get all hook callers for the specified plugin. :returns: The hook callers, or ``None`` if ``plugin`` is not registered in this plugin manager. """ if self.get_name(plugin) is None: return None hookcallers = [] for hookcaller in self.hook.__dict__.values(): for hookimpl in hookcaller.get_hookimpls(): if hookimpl.plugin is plugin: hookcallers.append(hookcaller) return hookcallers
[docs] def add_hookcall_monitoring( self, before: _BeforeTrace, after: _AfterTrace ) -> Callable[[], None]: """Add before/after tracing functions for all hooks. Returns an undo function which, when called, removes the added tracers. ``before(hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs)`` will be called ahead of all hook calls and receive a hookcaller instance, a list of HookImpl instances and the keyword arguments for the hook call. ``after(outcome, hook_name, hook_impls, kwargs)`` receives the same arguments as ``before`` but also a :class:`~pluggy.Result` object which represents the result of the overall hook call. """ oldcall = self._inner_hookexec def traced_hookexec( hook_name: str, hook_impls: Sequence[HookImpl], caller_kwargs: Mapping[str, object], firstresult: bool, ) -> object | list[object]: before(hook_name, hook_impls, caller_kwargs) outcome = Result.from_call( lambda: oldcall(hook_name, hook_impls, caller_kwargs, firstresult) ) after(outcome, hook_name, hook_impls, caller_kwargs) return outcome.get_result() self._inner_hookexec = traced_hookexec def undo() -> None: self._inner_hookexec = oldcall return undo
[docs] def enable_tracing(self) -> Callable[[], None]: """Enable tracing of hook calls. Returns an undo function which, when called, removes the added tracing. """ hooktrace = self.trace.root.get("hook") def before( hook_name: str, methods: Sequence[HookImpl], kwargs: Mapping[str, object] ) -> None: hooktrace.root.indent += 1 hooktrace(hook_name, kwargs) def after( outcome: Result[object], hook_name: str, methods: Sequence[HookImpl], kwargs: Mapping[str, object], ) -> None: if outcome.exception is None: hooktrace("finish", hook_name, "-->", outcome.get_result()) hooktrace.root.indent -= 1 return self.add_hookcall_monitoring(before, after)
[docs] def subset_hook_caller( self, name: str, remove_plugins: Iterable[_Plugin] ) -> HookCaller: """Return a proxy :class:`~pluggy.HookCaller` instance for the named method which manages calls to all registered plugins except the ones from remove_plugins.""" orig: HookCaller = getattr(self.hook, name) plugins_to_remove = {plug for plug in remove_plugins if hasattr(plug, name)} if plugins_to_remove: return _SubsetHookCaller(orig, plugins_to_remove) return orig
def _formatdef(func: Callable[..., object]) -> str: return f"{func.__name__}{inspect.signature(func)}"