
Versions follow Semantic Versioning (<major>.<minor>.<patch>).

pluggy 1.5.0 (2024-04-19)


  • #178: Add support for deprecating specific hook parameters, or more generally, for issuing a warning whenever a hook implementation requests certain parameters.

    See Warnings on hook implementation for details.

Bug Fixes

  • #481: PluginManager.get_plugins() no longer returns None for blocked plugins.

pluggy 1.4.0 (2024-01-24)


Bug Fixes

  • #441: Fix call_extra() extra methods getting ordered before everything else in some circumstances. Regressed in pluggy 1.1.0.

  • #438: Fix plugins registering other plugins in a hook when the other plugins implement the same hook itself. Regressed in pluggy 1.1.0.

pluggy 1.3.0 (2023-08-26)

Deprecations and Removals

  • #426: Python 3.7 is no longer supported.


  • #428: Pluggy now exposes its typings to static type checkers.

    As part of this, the following changes are made:

    Compatibility aliases are put in place for the renamed types. We do not plan to remove the aliases, but we strongly recommend to only import from pluggy.* to ensure future compatibility.

    Please note that pluggy is currently unable to provide strong typing for hook calls, e.g. pm.hook.my_hook(...), nor to statically check that a hook implementation matches the hook specification’s type.

pluggy 1.2.0 (2023-06-21)


  • #405: The new-style hook wrappers, added in the yanked 1.1.0 release, now require an explicit wrapper=True designation in the @hookimpl() decorator.

pluggy 1.1.0 (YANKED)


This release was yanked because unfortunately the implicit new-style hook wrappers broke some downstream projects. See #403 for more information. This was rectified in the 1.2.0 release.

Deprecations and Removals

  • #364: Python 3.6 is no longer supported.


  • #260: Added “new-style” hook wrappers, a simpler but equally powerful alternative to the existing hookwrapper=True wrappers.

    New-style wrappers are generator functions, similarly to hookwrapper, but do away with the result object. Instead, the return value is sent directly to the yield statement, or, if inner calls raised an exception, it is raised from the yield. The wrapper is expected to return a value or raise an exception, which will become the result of the hook call.

    New-style wrappers are fully interoperable with old-style wrappers. We encourage users to use the new style, however we do not intend to deprecate the old style any time soon.

    See Wrappers for the full documentation.

  • #364: Python 3.11 and 3.12 are now officially supported.

  • #394: Added the force_exception() method to _Result.

    force_exception allows (old-style) hookwrappers to force an exception or override/adjust an existing exception of a hook invocation, in a properly behaving manner. Using force_exception is preferred over raising an exception from the hookwrapper, because raising an exception causes other hookwrappers to be skipped.

pluggy 1.0.0 (2021-08-25)

Deprecations and Removals

  • #116: Remove deprecated implprefix support. Decorate hook implementations using an instance of HookimplMarker instead. The deprecation was announced in release 0.7.0.

  • #120: Remove the deprecated proc argument to call_historic. Use result_callback instead, which has the same behavior. The deprecation was announced in release 0.7.0.

  • #265: Remove the _Result.result property. Use _Result.get_result() instead. Note that unlike result, get_result() raises the exception if the hook raised. The deprecation was announced in release 0.6.0.

  • #267: Remove official support for Python 3.4.

  • #272: Dropped support for Python 2. Continue to use pluggy 0.13.x for Python 2 support.

  • #308: Remove official support for Python 3.5.

  • #313: The internal pluggy.callers, pluggy.manager and pluggy.hooks are now explicitly marked private by a _ prefix (e.g. pluggy._callers). Only API exported by the top-level pluggy module is considered public.

  • #59: Remove legacy __multicall__ recursive hook calling system. The deprecation was announced in release 0.5.0.


  • #282: When registering a hookimpl which is declared as hookwrapper=True but whose function is not a generator function, a PluginValidationError exception is now raised.

    Previously this problem would cause an error only later, when calling the hook.

    In the unlikely case that you have a hookwrapper that returns a generator instead of yielding directly, for example:

    def my_hook_implementation(arg):
    def my_hook(arg):
        return my_hook_implementation(arg)

    change it to use yield from instead:

    def my_hook(arg):
        yield from my_hook_implementation(arg)
  • #309: Add official support for Python 3.9.

  • #251: Add specname option to @hookimpl. If specname is provided, it will be used instead of the function name when matching this hook implementation to a hook specification during registration (allowing a plugin to register a hook implementation that was not named the same thing as the corresponding @hookspec).

pluggy 0.13.1 (2019-11-21)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #236: Improved documentation, especially with regard to references.

pluggy 0.13.0 (2019-09-10)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #222: Replace importlib_metadata backport with importlib.metadata from the standard library on Python 3.8+.

pluggy 0.12.0 (2019-05-27)


  • #215: Switch from pkg_resources to importlib-metadata for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time. This time with .egg support.

pluggy 0.11.0 (2019-05-07)

Bug Fixes

  • #205: Revert changes made in 0.10.0 release breaking .egg installs.

pluggy 0.10.0 (2019-05-07)


  • #199: Switch from pkg_resources to importlib-metadata for entrypoint detection for improved performance and import time.

pluggy 0.9.0 (2019-02-21)


  • #189: PluginManager.load_setuptools_entrypoints now accepts a name parameter that when given will load only entry points with that name.

    PluginManager.load_setuptools_entrypoints also now returns the number of plugins loaded by the call, as opposed to the number of all plugins loaded by all calls to this method.

Bug Fixes

  • #187: Fix internal varnames function for PyPy3.

pluggy 0.8.1 (2018-11-09)

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #166: Add stacklevel=2 to implprefix warning so that the reported location of warning is the caller of PluginManager.

pluggy 0.8.0 (2018-10-15)


  • #177: Add get_hookimpls() method to hook callers.

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #165: Add changelog in long package description and documentation.

  • #172: Add a test exemplifying the opt-in nature of spec defined args.

  • #57: Encapsulate hook specifications in a type for easier introspection.

pluggy 0.7.1 (2018-07-28)

Deprecations and Removals

  • #116: Deprecate the implprefix kwarg to PluginManager and instead expect users to start using explicit HookimplMarker everywhere.


  • #122: Add .plugin member to PluginValidationError to access failing plugin during post-mortem.

  • #138: Add per implementation warnings support for hookspecs allowing for both deprecation and future warnings of legacy and (future) experimental hooks respectively.

Bug Fixes

  • #110: Fix a bug where _HookCaller.call_historic() would call the proc arg even when the default is None resulting in a TypeError.

  • #160: Fix problem when handling VersionConflict errors when loading setuptools plugins.

Improved Documentation

  • #123: Document how exceptions are handled and how the hook call loop terminates immediately on the first error which is then delivered to any surrounding wrappers.

  • #136: Docs rework including a much better introduction and comprehensive example set for new users. A big thanks goes out to @obestwalter for the great work!

Trivial/Internal Changes

  • #117: Break up the main monolithic package modules into separate modules by concern

  • #131: Automate setuptools wheels building and PyPi upload using TravisCI.

  • #153: Reorganize tests more appropriately by modules relating to each internal component/feature. This is in an effort to avoid (future) duplication and better separation of concerns in the test set.

  • #156: Add HookImpl.__repr__() for better debugging.

  • #66: Start using towncrier and a custom tox environment to prepare releases!

pluggy 0.7.0 (Unreleased)

  • #160: We discovered a deployment issue so this version was never released to PyPI, only the tag exists.

pluggy 0.6.0 (2017-11-24)

  • Add CI testing for the features, release, and master branches of pytest (PR #79).

  • Document public API for _Result objects passed to wrappers (PR #85).

  • Document and test hook LIFO ordering (PR #85).

  • Turn warnings into errors in test suite (PR #89).

  • Deprecate _Result.result (PR #88).

  • Convert _Multicall to a simple function distinguishing it from the legacy version (PR #90).

  • Resolve E741 errors (PR #96).

  • Test and bug fix for unmarked hook collection (PRs #97 and #102).

  • Drop support for EOL Python 2.6 and 3.3 (PR #103).

  • Fix inspect based arg introspection on py3.6 (PR #94).

pluggy 0.5.2 (2017-09-06)

  • fix bug where firstresult wrappers were being sent an incorrectly configured _Result (a list was set instead of a single value). Add tests to check for this as well as _Result.force_result() behaviour. Thanks to @tgoodlet for the PR #72.

  • fix incorrect getattr of DeprecationWarning from the warnings module. Thanks to @nicoddemus for the PR #77.

  • hide pytest tracebacks in certain core routines. Thanks to @nicoddemus for the PR #80.

pluggy 0.5.1 (2017-08-29)

  • fix a bug and add tests for case where firstresult hooks return None results. Thanks to @RonnyPfannschmidt and @tgoodlet for the issue (#68) and PR (#69) respectively.

pluggy 0.5.0 (2017-08-28)

  • fix bug where callbacks for historic hooks would not be called for already registered plugins. Thanks @vodik for the PR and @hpk42 for further fixes.

  • fix #17 by considering only actual functions for hooks this removes the ability to register arbitrary callable objects which at first glance is a reasonable simplification, thanks @RonnyPfannschmidt for report and pr.

  • fix #19: allow registering hookspecs from instances. The PR from @tgoodlet also modernized the varnames implementation.

  • resolve #32: split up the test set into multiple modules. Thanks to @RonnyPfannschmidt for the PR and @tgoodlet for the initial request.

  • resolve #14: add full sphinx docs. Thanks to @tgoodlet for PR #39.

  • add hook call mismatch warnings. Thanks to @tgoodlet for the PR #42.

  • resolve #44: move to new-style classes. Thanks to @MichalTHEDUDE for PR #46.

  • add baseline benchmarking/speed tests using pytest-benchmark in PR #54. Thanks to @tgoodlet.

  • update the README to showcase the API. Thanks to @tgoodlet for the issue and PR #55.

  • deprecate __multicall__ and add a faster call loop implementation. Thanks to @tgoodlet for PR #58.

  • raise a comprehensible error when a hookimpl is called with positional args. Thanks to @RonnyPfannschmidt for the issue and @tgoodlet for PR #60.

  • fix the firstresult test making it more complete and remove a duplicate of that test. Thanks to @tgoodlet for PR #62.

pluggy 0.4.0 (2016-09-25)

  • add has_plugin(name) method to pluginmanager. thanks @nicoddemus.

  • fix #11: make plugin parsing more resilient against exceptions from __getattr__ functions. Thanks @nicoddemus.

  • fix issue #4: specific HookCallError exception for when a hook call provides not enough arguments.

  • better error message when loading setuptools entrypoints fails due to a VersionConflict. Thanks @blueyed.

pluggy 0.3.1 (2015-09-17)

  • avoid using deprecated-in-python3.5 getargspec method. Thanks @mdboom.

pluggy 0.3.0 (2015-05-07)

initial release